Digital Humanity Midterm

Ben Tushar
Digital Humanity
Annette Vee and Alison Langmead

For the midterm in Digital Humanity, we had to write our own question based on some themes in the course. My question was: "How can the security of political and social power be compromised through the workplace and personal software which dictates our lives?" I developed this video in response to this question based on the cluster of core concepts being security and power as well as how it affects workplace, and personal lives. I conceptualized this video as a narrative in order to take advantage of the video format in both an analytical and entertaining way. I started the video at the end, knowing that I wanted it to essentially be the apocalypse, then went back to the beginning where I wanted it to be as relatable to real life as possible meaning starting in my actual situation at the time; being home for spring break. From there it was just a matter of getting from point A to point B in a way which both addressed the topics I selected and was relatable to the everyday life of the viewer with even the most basic understanding of what it’s like to live in a digital society.