
Zachary Blouse
Composing Digital Media
Melissa Yang

PLEASE NOTE: a link to this project can be found on the desktop of each workstation.

Author's statement: Ariadne is a maze-exploring and puzzle solving game. You play as the princess of Crete, Ariadne. The objective of the game is to reach the end of the maze where you will catch up with Theseus who has just defeated the minotaur. I wanted the game to feel like you were actually in an underground labyrinth. To accomplish this, I kept the hallways dark and small. I also used background music that I hope gives a mysterious or ominous feeling to the player. I wanted a little brightness in the game as well, so for the fourth puzzle, you walk up from underground into the sunlight, but you are still stuck in the maze. The puzzle you solve here involves moving mirrors to manipulate a light beam. This is also the only time the music changes. After this light spot, you go back underground to continue trying to find Theseus.