Video: "AI Jane"

Jane Hemmelgarn
Digital Humanity
Annette Vee & Alison Langmead

"Inspired by readings about artificial intelligence, the evolution of computers, and how technology has impacted society and communication, this project seeks to answer the following question: How could augmentation, that is integrating computer interfaces into the human experience, limit our freedom to choose in our everyday lives? Often times, people discuss augmentation in terms of the benefits it could provide and what it might add to day-to-day life, but this video shows some of the limitations that might arise in a not-so-hard to imagine future. Using the predictive text feature on my iPhone, I created Jane, a character who lives in a future world where the same predictive text technology is being tested on human brains resulting in “predictive thought.” The main text of the video shows what Jane, the augmented human, is thinking. Below, appearing simultaneously, is the explanation of the predictive text/thought chain showing what options appeared, the one that was selected, and the continuation that resulted. To keep the story going and to show different aspects of Jane’s life, I had to manipulate the text slightly, turning the focus to work or to her friends and family. From there, the augmentation took over and chose from the given options showing what it really means for Jane to be an augmented human in this future world. The result: a funny, self-centered, Hallmark store employee who is, in her words, the only person in this world that can be a good person."