The Evolution of Animation Narrative from Alex Visbisky on Vimeo.
"The goal of my video essay was to explore a topic that I’ve found interesting: when did animation become adult-oriented? I explore how I, and my generation, grew up with cartoons being a large part of our life and how that has followed us into adulthood. My main points here are childhood cartoons being tamer in substance and the industry lacking any real content for an older audience in the late 90s to early 2000s, at least in the West. Being able to interlude clips as my evidence and express emotion and tone through the video and audio clips adds a new layer of depth to the research. Oftentimes reading scholarly work can be daunting and long-winded, but you never feel that way having the content presented to you in this format. You’re shown how to feel, and you feel like you’re just as engaged in the topic as the person who did the research. Instead of just citing works for further reading or describing events, they can be right there in front of you as the narrative structure progresses alongside it. Whether it be backing up an idea with proof instantly in the video, or setting the tone of the essay, I believe that a video essay is a much more powerful way to present this form of research and ideas."