The Digital Media Lab is located in Cathedral of Learning, room 435. Several courses are held in the space each semester, and it can also be reserved for a classroom session or group projectwork.
The lab has 20 Apple Mac Studio desktops with the latest Adobe CC package and several additional applications, including but not limited to Audacity, SketchUp, GarageBand, Unreal, and Unity. As of 2019, the room can accommodate five additional students using their own laptops. Through the director, instructors can also coordinate the loan of equipment (e.g. Wacom tablets, headphones, Zoom podcasting recorders, Go-Pro 360 cameras, phone tripods, Finch robots, and Arduino kits) for class use. During Lab open hours, students will have access to select lab equipment under the supervision of lab assistants; equipment availability may range if items are in-use by classes.
Email Director FitzPatrick at or schedule a conversation through the Appointment Quick Links if you would like information on lab availability, instructional support, and/or digital media equipment.